Jordan Springs // Residential Subdivision
Client: Lendlease
Value: $50.2m
Year: 2017
Location: Jordan Springs, Penrith, NSW
One of the largest subdivision civil works projects Menai Civil has undertaken to date of a 750 lot subdivision for the Jordan Springs East residential subdivision.
Site clearing and fencing
111,000m3 of topsoil stripping, stockpiling and replacement.
9,000m3 of bulk earthworks.
Services reticulation including electrical, communications, sewer and water.
10,700m of stormwater pit and pipe installation works.
89,000m2 of flexible pavement works including sub‐base, base course, spray seal and asphalt.
Blockwork and keystone retaining wall construction.
Kerb and gutters, concrete footpaths, medians and islands.
Maintenance access roads
Landscaping including development of a new community reserve
Design and construction of a three span bridge