The Ridge Wongawilli // Residential Subdivision
Client: Sheargold Property Group
Value: $7m
Year: 2014 - 2015
Location: Dapto, NSW
As part of a plan to develop the West Dapto Urban Release Area (WDURA) to accommodate 40,000 extra residents over 40 years, Menai Civil was engaged by Sheargold Property Group to convert a 26.5 hectare site into a 14 lot rural-residential subdivision.
The development provides a transition between a rural setting at the foothills of the escarpment and existing dense urban housing lots.
The scope of works for this project included the following.
Site clearing, topsoil stripping, stockpiling and replacement.
Construction of a temporary diversion road including creek crossings.
Basin construction and wetland works.
70,000m3 of bulk earthworks.
Services reticulation including electrical, lighting, gas, communications, sewer and water.
Construction of a precast concrete bridge and associated creek works.
950m of stormwater pit, pipe, culvert and GPT installation works.
8,100m2 of flexible pavement works including sub-base, base course, spray seal and asphalt.
680m2 of block paving.
Kerb and gutters, concrete footpaths, medians and islands.
1,300m of turf lined drainage swales
Turfing and hydro-mulching.